Jekyll error - bad Request-Line
I use the excellent Jekyll to create this and a couple of other websites. Jekyll is a static website generator written in Ruby and plays very nicely with GitHub Pages.
But since it’s software, after all, it too needs updating once in a while. And as you know dear readers, all software sucks.
So I updated jekyll
and other needed gems and tried to serve the page locally:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts --watch --baseurl '' --config _config.yml,_config-dev.yml --limit_posts 10
Configuration file: _config.yml
Configuration file: _config-dev.yml
Source: /Users/hjerpbakk/projects/
Destination: /Users/hjerpbakk/projects/
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 12.903 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/hjerpbakk/projects/'
Server address:
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00?\x01\x00\x00?\x03\x03?t&,?\x1E??\x1AJmc?_?U??c\x00<'.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00?\x01\x00\x00?\x03\x03aS?PP???c?\x1Ab~?K'\x13\b\x00w????M?8?\x7FK/\x00\x00.?,?+?$?#?'.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad URI `?'.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00?\x01\x00\x00?\x03\x03?~F?Еs''?ʓ???\x16??e?#\b?\x05a+?{\x18ܬ\x00\x00(?,?+?$?#?'.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00?\x01\x00\x00?\x03\x03 ?<\x18J3z??{?\x03?KĘ*?\r??`"+y"L?F??P\x00\x00.?,?+?$?#?'.
[2018-03-20 16:40:31] ERROR bad URI `?'
Bad request lines as far as the eye can see.
Luckily Jekyll has implemented the most common solution to all build problems:
Clean, and try to build again.
bundle exec jekyll clean
The clean
command deletes the output from the generator and all temporary files used during a build. And that solved the problem. The site built without a hitch 😬