Book Scanner - iOS app for buying physical books digitally
![Scan a book](/img/book-scanner/2iPhone%204-Inch%20Screenshot%201_iphone5s_silver_portrait.png)
Scan a book
![Buy it if you want](/img/book-scanner/1iphone5s_silver_landscape.png)
Buy it if you want
![View all scanned books](/img/book-scanner/0iphone5s_silver_landscape-2.png)
View all scanned books
My new app Book Scanner, also known as Book Barcode Scanner is now available worldwide on the App Store.
Book Scanner scans ISBN-barcodes and finds the books on iBooks. The app remembers your scanned books and you can buy them on iBooks at your convenience. Scanning book barcodes is faster than a manual search and the it's very useful in bookstores and other places with a lot of books.
Book Scanner is available free on the App Store and is of course written in C# using the Xamarin stack. I've learned a lot while writing this app, and I will share some of it here on this blog.