Runar Ovesen Hjerpbakk

Software Philosopher

Updating OmniSharp Version in Visual Studio Code - A Guide

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a great code editor for any platform. And perfect for .Net scripting! I use it to edit my scripts written in dotNet Script. dotNet Script has a lively community with new features being added regularly. VS Code is a collection of different libraries and frameworks, all working together to give you that good experience. Thus, if your new favorite scripting language gets a new feature, it sometimes takes a little while for the tooling to catch up.

This time it was OmniSharp-Roslyn, the library handling project dependencies and language syntax for VS Code, which had issues when adding NuGet packages in dotNet Script.

Red squiggles even though the code is correct

Thankfully, it’s easy to point VS Code to a new version of OmniSharp.

  "omnisharp.path": "/Users/sankra/OmniSharp/OmniSharp.exe",
  "omnisharp.useMono": true
  • Restart VS Code.

VS Code User Settings

Enjoy your updated and hopefully functioning IntelliSense 😃

It works!