Runar Ovesen Hjerpbakk

Software Philosopher

Comprehensive Review: Microsoft Build 2015 Day 2 Keynote

DJ Microsoft started the show in front of an ungrateful crowd.

Broiler is up next.  Broiler is up next. 

Microsoft is truly an open and creative company now. So says the guys in the motivational video.

We're the underdogs now, thus we need you, our developer friends.  We're the underdogs now, thus we need you, our developer friends. 

Love me some C++ in the morning. Real drumsticks were so 1990, now we have electronic glow sticks making noise.

Though the C++ was too slow and was replaced with C#. Though the C++ was too slow and was replaced with C#.

3D printing is the future of 1$ item creation. Windows 10 is not left behind.

Print all the cooking utensils! Print all the cooking utensils!

OData processed by the Office Graph API. The pen is just redirection.

Data as a map.  Data as a map. 

The Windows jokingly takes credit for the Windows 8 failure.

Window 1 was the best Window edition.  Window 1 was the best Window edition. 

One design language across all the Windows 10 devices.

Really loving that pivot control on the Hololens.  Really loving that pivot control on the Hololens. 

A solid foundation.

XAML and C# are my favorites.  XAML and C# are my favorites. 

Awesome map control. One line of XAML.

Shown on the least used device.  Shown on the least used device. 

Adaptive triggers lets you customize the UI based on the device size.

Relative layout to the rescue.  Relative layout to the rescue. 


Where is the pivot menu?  Where is the pivot menu? 

The web just works! If you use the Edge browser. It has the best performance of the lot, if you ignore Safari.

Web apps.  Web apps. 

There is hope for WPF! And the suckfest that is WinForms.

The bridgiest bridge. The bridgiest bridge.

Android and iOS apps are the future for Windows 10. Or Microsoft could use their resources on more important things and kill the phone.

There be robots.  There be robots. 

ObjectiveC is the new C#.

Please, please, please create apps for us! Please, please, please create apps for us!

Even the presenter does not like ObjectiveC.

The look of a broken and miserable man. The look of a broken and miserable man.

Cordova beat out Xamarin for this keynote.

Must try the iPhone during the keynote.  Must try the iPhone during the keynote. 

GitHub is the new TFS.

And I love it!  And I love it! 

The Cloud is eating both software and data. It's a hungry beast.

Convenient for Microsoft Convenient for Microsoft

Microsoft is a much better story teller when talking about the cloud. Cloud wins if it comes into conflict with mobile.

Even dairy farms needs data analysis in the cloud.  Even dairy farms needs data analysis in the cloud. 

AI meets AI!

Cloud connected pedometers improves breeding of cattle. Cloud connected pedometers improves breeding of cattle.

Even the cloud contains code written by humans. Code with bugs.

The beard adds 23 years!  The beard adds 23 years! 

IaaS - Intelligence as a Service

Azure Machine Learning is powerful.  Azure Machine Learning is powerful. 

Drag and drop modeling using R.

It can even generate the API for you.  It can even generate the API for you. 

Live genome analysis using Azure Machine Learning and R.

And an old version of Visual Studio.  And an old version of Visual Studio. 

Genome app!

Do your annual checkup.  Do your annual checkup. 

Go Norway! eSmart connected grid.

Hashtag: Norsk aksent Hashtag: Norsk aksent

Pompeii in the cloud.

Spellcheck didn't expect that.  Spellcheck didn't expect that. 

DirectX 12 demo, 63 million polygons, 8K by 8K textures.

Every hair is a polygon.  Every hair is a polygon. 

Minecraft modding live on stage.

For the kids.  For the kids. 

You loved using Visual Studio coding with ObjectiveC, now say hello to Java.

Cringe.  Cringe.