Book Scanner 2020.1 - a new version of the iOS app
Book Scanner version 2020.1 is ready for iOS 13 and dark mode! I’ve also added a lot of improvements based on your feedback.

Premium users receives the following goodies:
- Added the ISBN Database as a book source. Book Scanner should now find even more obscure titles
- All book sources can now be re-ordered, not only Apple Books, Amazon or Google Books
- The source websites of books from other sources than Apple Books can now be opened within the app
In addition, everybody gets:
- Support for iOS 13 dark mode
- The list of all scanned books can now be exported and shared
- Also improved sharing text when sharing a single book
- Introduced optional haptic feedback throughout Book Scanner
- Book Scanner should behave better when iPhone has a flaky Internet connection
And some bugs where squeezed too, sorry about those:
- Fixed access to Amazon that was missing for some users
- Fixed a crash bug that could manifest when a book was shared
- Removed ISBN Search as a book source