Updates to two iconic iOS apps
This weekend have been the weekend of app autumn cleaning. More apps are in the pipe, but for now enjoy updates to two of my most popular ones.
Simplest Workout Tracker - The humane exercise log
Most workout trackers are demanding. They require you to enter a lot of information just to track your progress and many shame you if you do not work out regularly. Simplest Workout Tracker has another philosophy: If you’ve exercised, that’s great! If not, there’s always another day.
By popular demand, dark mode is finally here, just in time for the dark nights of autumn. Happy exercising! 💪

Golden Ratio Calculator - Make your layouts divine
Golden Ratio Calculator++ is a handy tool for computing dimensions using golden, silver, or other ratios. Input one side’s length and get the other side’s measurement instantly, making design or layout work seamless and precise. New in this version is the addition of old television and HD-video ratios (4:3 and 16:9).

I hope you’ll enjoy these updates, and just reach out if you’ve suggestions for more awesome features 🙏