Xamarin.Forms and iOS Simulator Scrolling
Here are a couple of Xamarin quick tips i have found useful the last couple of days.
iOS simulator refuses to scroll
If your iOS simulator refuses to scroll your ListView or TableView, try restarting it. The simulator sometimes locks up and disables scrolling for some reason. This has only happened during my Xamarin.Forms development, but I have no clue as of the source.
Open another instance of Xamarin Studio
To open another instance of Xamarin Studio on OS X, use the following command in the Terminal.app:
open -n "/Applications/Xamarin Studio.app"
To open another instance of Xamarin Studio on OS X, use the following command in the Terminal.app:
open -n "/Applications/Xamarin Studio.app"
Given that Xamarin Studio is in its default location. Sometimes Unix can be useful, who knew? 😬